Spectrum’s Housing Assist program and Rebuilding Together Long Beach has renovated homes in South Los Angeles and Compton.

Spectrum has partnered with Rebuilding Together Long Beach to provide critical home repairs for homeowners in need. This past September, three homeowners in Compton benefited from Spectrum’s Housing Assist program, which has the goal of improving 50,000 homes by 2020. So far the program has helped improve more than 21,000 homes.
Last year, Spectrum and Rebuilding Together Long Beach renovated three homes in South Los Angeles, where they installed new roofs, repaired main sewer lines, and painted the interior and exterior of the homes.
“At Spectrum, our technicians serve thousands of customers in their homes every day, and through Spectrum Housing Assist, we can serve the community by helping make our neighbors’ homes safe and healthy,” said Deborah Picciolo, Spectrum’s West Region senior vice president. “All of our area employees are happy to join Rebuilding Together to make a long-lasting impact in our community.”
Rebuilding Together, Inc., is one of the nation’s leading nonprofit organization working to preserve affordable home ownership and revitalize communities. Rebuilding Together Long Beach is part of Rebuilding Together, Inc.’s network of more than 150 affiliates that provide free rehabilitation and critical repairs for homeowners who are financially and/or physically unable to perform the work themselves, including those who are elderly or disabled, veterans, and families with children.
In conjunction to repairing homes, Spectrum hosted their inaugural “Spectrum Community Impact Day,” where they distributed more than 400 Safe and Healthy Home Kits. The kits are free and contain a weather alert radio, first aid kit, carbon monoxide tester, smoke alarm, cleaning wipes, weather stripping, and much more.
For more information about Spectrum’s Housing Assist program, visit www.communityimpact.spectrum.com. For more information about Rebuilding Together Long Beach, visit www.rebuildingtogetherlongbeach.org.
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