Wed, Feb

Please support the Los Angeles Standard Newspaper!

The L.A. Standard Newspaper needs your support so that we can continue to create positive stories about Black communities. $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000.  Any amount would be greatly appreciated. -Jason Douglas Lewis, Owner/Publisher

**Donations can also be made through:

GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-blackowned-los-angeles-standard-newspaper?qid=3dd2a0b0af9d948dc054ad793724b9cc

Cash App https://cash.app/$LAStandard

Venmo https://venmo.com @LA-Standard-Newspaper

PayPal https://paypal.me/lastandardnewspaper

Or mailed to 2415 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90008.


Since 2016, we have delivered community-driven articles through the monthly printed editions, and through the publication’s website.

Our goal from the start was to portray African-American communities in South Los Angeles and Inglewood in a positive light, which is not very difficult seeing that there is an endless supply of stories of Black people, Black-owned small businesses, and Black community-service organizations doing amazing things. While it is not difficult to find stories, it does take a lot of work to produce these stories and to publish this newspaper.

The content in the Los Angeles Standard Newspaper and on the publication’s website is free. We deliver our content to the public at no charge, and we fund the newspaper through advertisements. We have had some success with that business model. We’re extremely appreciative to the corporations and small businesses who have seen the value in advertising with us. However, to continue to grow and meet our goals to increase our circulation and to become a weekly newspaper, we can use some financial help from the community that we serve.

We are hoping that community members value this publication enough that they will donate to our efforts. Whether that be a small or large donation, we’d greatly appreciate it.

Financial donations will allow us to hire more people from our communities, which will allow us to more efficiently deliver positive content to the public. There are many stories about local businesses, educational programs, non-profit organizations, and about people in our communities who are doing amazing things. While we have been able to write many articles on those people, businesses, and organizations, a larger staff would allow us to continue creating content, and it would also allow us to get to even more stories.

Besides donations, we can also use leads to corporate, political, and small business advertisements.

For more information, email us at info@LAStandardNewspaper.com. Please note that the Los Angeles Standard Newspaper is not a non-profit organization, so donations are not tax deductible.

The L.A. Standard Newspaper needs your support so that we can continue to create positive stories about Black communities. $20, $50, $100, $500, $1,000.  Any amount would be greatly appreciated. -Jason Douglas Lewis, Owner/Publisher

**Donations can also be made through:

GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-blackowned-los-angeles-standard-newspaper?qid=3dd2a0b0af9d948dc054ad793724b9cc

Cash App https://cash.app/$LAStandard

Venmo https://venmo.com @LA-Standard-Newspaper

PayPal https://paypal.me/lastandardnewspaper

Or mailed to 2415 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Los Angeles, 90008.


Since 2016, we have delivered community-driven articles through the monthly printed editions, and through the publication’s website.

Our goal from the start was to portray African-American communities in South Los Angeles and Inglewood in a positive light, which is not very difficult seeing that there is an endless supply of stories of Black people, Black-owned small businesses, and Black community-service organizations doing amazing things. While it is not difficult to find stories, it does take a lot of work to produce these stories and to publish this newspaper.

The content in the Los Angeles Standard Newspaper and on the publication’s website is free. We deliver our content to the public at no charge, and we fund the newspaper through advertisements. We have had some success with that business model. We’re extremely appreciative to the corporations and small businesses who have seen the value in advertising with us. However, to continue to grow and meet our goals to increase our circulation and to become a weekly newspaper, we can use some financial help from the community that we serve.

We are hoping that community members value this publication enough that they will donate to our efforts. Whether that be a small or large donation, we’d greatly appreciate it.

Financial donations will allow us to hire more people from our communities, which will allow us to more efficiently deliver positive content to the public. There are many stories about local businesses, educational programs, non-profit organizations, and about people in our communities who are doing amazing things. While we have been able to write many articles on those people, businesses, and organizations, a larger staff would allow us to continue creating content, and it would also allow us to get to even more stories.

Besides donations, we can also use leads to corporate, political, and small business advertisements.

For more information, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please note that the Los Angeles Standard Newspaper is not a non-profit organization, so donations are not tax deductible.