Tue, Feb

Love My Neighbor Foundation supports the less fortunate in Skid Row every Thursday

A homeless man in Skid Row receives a donated pair of shoes. The Love My Neighbor Foundation sets up on 7th Street, just east of San Pedro Street.


The foundation passes out food, clothing, and toiletries on Skid Row every Thursday from noon to 2 p.m.

The Billionaire Burger Boyz partnered with the Foundation and gave out free meals. Photos by Jason Lewis

By Megan Reed

For the past three years, members of the Love My Neighbor Foundation have set up shop every Thursday on 7th Street, just east of San Pedro Street, in the Skid Row area of downtown.  From noon to 2 p.m., they hand out fresh food, clothing, and toiletries to people in need.

“The Foundation was created to help homeless and less fortunate individuals receive the necessities of life as they gain their way back into society,” said Athena Hayley, founder and CEO of the foundation.  “People didn’t ask for their situation.  It just happens at times.”

The foundation is not just giving out single meals.  They are giving people enough food to last for days.  They also hand out hygiene products and business attire for people who are seeking employment.  

Hayley said that they can always use volunteer help.  People can show up and help pass out food, and the foundation is in need of donations.  Monetary donations help the foundation purchase products from food banks on a weekly basis.  People can also donate clothes and toiletries.  

On a recent Thursday, the Billionaire Burger Boyz, who run a food truck in South Los Angeles, donated 100 meals at the event.

“We’re challenging all of the food trucks to come out here at least once a month and let’s donate food to the needy,” said David “Smoke House” Lee, co-owner of the Billionaire Burger Boyz.  

The foundation meets at 620 E. 7th Street, between San Pedro Street and Crocker Street.  To find out about volunteering opportunities, or to donate money, food, or clothing, visit www.lovemyneighborfoundation.com or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Also find them on Facebook and Instagram.


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