Wed, Feb

April camera club meeting recap, May meeting on the 15th

Sequoia Houston, owner of Mocha Stock, gives a presentation. Photos by Jason Lewis

Camera Club
Camille Dudley takes a photo during the April camera club meeting.

April meeting recap

We had another good camera club meeting.  Thank you Sequoia Houston for being the presenter.  Please check out her royalty free stock imagery website at http://www.mochastock.com/ and follow the company on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  I’ve used stock photos sites in the past, and it’s difficult to find a lot of images with people of color.  Her website really solves that problem.  

Negative space submissions

Check out some of the photos that were submitted for the negative space assignment at the link below.


May assignment

Next month’s assignment is another composition technique.  Filling up the frame.  The link below has the full explanation and tutorials.   



Meet up at the Leimert Park Art Walk

We had our first camera club meetup at the Leimert Park Art Walk.  Click the link below to view some of the photos.  Other photos will be presented at the May meeting.


Some other potential meet up locations that were discussed were downtown, the South Coast Botanical Gardens on Crenshaw Blvd. in Palos Verdes, and the Compton Cowboys.  A few other ideas would be the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook, and the garden at the Underground Museum on Washington Blvd. and 5th Ave.  The next meet up most likely will be in late May.  I’ve reached out to the Compton Cowboys to see if we can come down as a group.  Check them out at https://www.facebook.com/comptoncowboys/ or at https://www.instagram.com/comptoncowboys/.  I’ll have an update before the next meeting.  Hopefully it will be all planned out by then.

Using a public library card for free tutorial programs

We got a great tip from Brandon Tanori, who is a videographer (http://www.ddpweddings.com/, https://www.facebook.com/dailyndominicproductions/, https://www.instagram.com/ddpweddings/).  I was talking about using YouTube.com videos for tutorials, and he said that with a library card, we can view Lynda.com videos for free.  While YouTube videos are very helpful, it can be difficult at times to find good videos because anybody can upload to that site, so it’s easy to waste time watching videos that aren’t very helpful.  Lynda.com videos are created by instructors.  It’s extremely easy to find good tutorials about equipment, computer software, and techniques.  Lynda.com is $24 a month, but with the library card it’s free.  Visit http://www.lapl.org/ and click Online Learning.  You can apply for a library card online.  I went down to the library and got a replacement card.  When you get to Lynda.com and put in your card number and pin number (typically the last four digits of your phone number), you can create a new account.  After that you’re in.  Just do a search on what ever you’re trying to learn.  You can learn Photoshop, video editing, the various aspects of photography and videography, etc.  


APA Los Angeles

I attended the American Photographic Artists (APA) Los Angeles’ Off the Clock event.  Desirae Lantry (an African American lady) is the director of the chapter.  I found out about the event pretty late, so I didn’t get an email out to this group.  I posted it the day of the event in the Facebook group.  It was a great event, and the images that were presented were very good.  We should support Desirae and her efforts!  Also, I had a brief conversation with her at the event about how we can interact with her group, and how her group can interact with us.  A link to the APA Los Angeles website is below.


We can create our own photography show.  I attended the Leimert Park stakeholders meeting and spoke about the camera club.  James Burke, who runs the Vision theater, was very interested in what we’re doing, and bringing us to Leimert Park.

Next meeting

The May meeting is scheduled for the 15th.  Stay updated at the Camera Club section of the Standard’s website, or join the Facebook group.



Please reach out to me with any ideas that you may have for the club.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jason Lewis
The Los Angeles Standard Newspaper